If you have ever had a bat infestation in your Lake Norman home, you know the importance of bat-proofing to prevent a future infestation. Here are some tips for bat-proofing your Lake Norman area home.
First, make sure you do not already have bats in your home. If you do, call the Lake Norman area wildlife removal professionals at Animal Solutions. Animal Solutions can also take care of bat-proofing or “exclusion” by sealing off all possible entry points and placing one way doors over the known entry points so the infestation does not re-occur.
If your home is bat-free, and you prefer a DIY exclusion process, then you need to do an inspection to determine any possible entry points. Pay close attention to roof vents, chimneys and soffit/roof edges. Bats are prone to enter areas at least 8′ off the ground and they can squeeze through areas as small as 3/8 of an inch.
Caulk or spray-foam, seal, or repair any openings larger than a quarter-inch by a half-inch. Use window and attic vent screens, bat-proof chimney caps, and draft-guards underneath attic doors. Plumbing and electrical holes can be filled with stainless steel wool or caulking.
Most bats leave in the fall or winter to hibernate, so these are the best times to inspect and bat-proof your home.
Exterior areas of your Lake Norman home that may need to be sealed:
- window caps and sills
- door caps
- where the wood structure meets foundation
- at siding corners
- where masonry and chimney meet the siding
- where walls meet eves
- electrical and plumbing holes in attic floor
Here is a list of effective products to use for bat-proofing your Lake Norman area home:
- Caulk
- Self-expanding urethane foam
- Weatherstripping
- Flashing
- Rust resistant screening
To schedule a bat inspection please contact Animal Solutions.